Oh Shoot! Podcast Unplug from Your Phone & Watch Your Business Thrive

Oh Shoot! Podcast Unplug from Your Phone & Watch Your Business Thrive


In this episode Oh Shoot! podcast, Cassidy Lynne talks about how to unplug from your phone and thrive on your business!

Listen to the full podcast on Spotify or watch the episode on YouTube!

In this episode, Cassidy Lynne and Jessica Whitaker chat about overcoming the distraction of phones in your business.

Unplug From Your Phone and Watch Your Business Thrive

Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of oh shoot! Today I’m joined by Jessica Whitaker we are here to talk about some very essential things you guys need to hear. You don’t know you need to hear it yet but you most definitely do! So, she’s going to talk about lots of great things. But first Jessica why don’t you introduce yourself and tell everyone who you are and what you do? Thank you for having me Cassidy I’m so excited to be on the Oh Shoot podcast! My name is Jessica, and I am a photographer based in Seattle and in New York City I also teach photography online I’ve been teaching on YouTube since 2015 which is very crazy! I have a photography Facebook group called Build and Bloom which started I believe 2016 and that has stemmed into such a beautiful Community. Now host and have hosted free photography workshops around the world for Build and Bloom. I host a monthly networking group for women in photography and we were in 16 cities across the states and have a thousand girls in the system every month we talk about a topic that we’re not taught in the American school system such as what is a student loan, what are basics of personal finance. But then also of course topics about photography it’s just a great place for girls to meet and find common ground through photography but build friendships in person. And then online I also have the Build and Bloom Photography podcast so that’s a bit about myself and I’m so excited to get into this topic!

Unplug From Your Phone and Watch Your Business Thrive

#1 Why do we feel unproductive/burnout/discouraged/overstimulated with using/posting to social media?

For many, there’s no clear distinction between personal and professional use of social media, leading to burnout. We often scroll throughout the day, subconsciously comparing ourselves to others’ lives, relationships, possessions, and career achievements. As photographers or artists, we additionally compare our business progress and skill levels. This constant comparison, coupled with the pressure to post, interact, and respond to messages for our own business, can be exhausting. After a long day, it’s challenging to engage in these important steps for Instagram engagement, leading to inconsistency in posting and interaction. The key to overcoming this burnout is to shift your mindset and view Instagram as a business tool. This change takes time but is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media.

Unplug From Your Phone and Watch Your Business Thrive

#2 How to shift mindset from personal to business with social media ~ ties into comparison

By separating personal scrolling from professional use, you can reduce the mental drain and approach your social media strategy more effectively. To combat burnout, consider scheduling posts, setting specific times for engagement, and limiting personal scrolling during work hours. Remember that what you see online is often a highlight reel, not the full picture. Focus on your own progress and use social media strategically to benefit your business rather than as a source of comparison and stress. The most productive thing that you can do for yourself is to let go of your cell phone. This seems counterintuitive to the fact that we need to post but you can actually do even better if you have stricter boundaries because you’re going to be able to fully utilize Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook ads, and Myspace whatever it is to the full potential. And you’re going to be able to treat it like a tool like it is to be used and not just personal use with peers.

Unplug From Your Phone and Watch Your Business Thrive

#3 6 ways to let go of your cell phone without having your business be affected

Jessica: I have 6 tips to help you guys let go of your phone! I am going to start from easy to extreme. You guys already know that the most extreme one is getting a different phone for work!

  • Turn off notifications for social media and non-essential apps
  • Delete apps that can be accessed on your computer instead
  • Remove Instagram (or similar apps) from your home screen and search
  • Disable text message notifications during mornings and evenings
  • Remove email from your phone or limit to one essential inbox
  • Mute accounts on social media to reduce comparison and distractions

These strategies aim to reduce impulsive phone use, protect mental space, and foster more intentional engagement with digital platforms. By implementing these tips, you can create healthier boundaries with technology, improve focus, and reduce anxiety related to constant connectivity. Remember, the goal is to use your phone as a tool rather than letting it control your attention and time.

Unplug From Your Phone and Watch Your Business Thrive

#4 How to implement a routine for balance between personal and professional use of social media

Routine is essential for maintaining balance in life, especially when it comes to separating personal and professional use of social media. Implementing a consistent routine helps create clear boundaries, even if they’re subconsciously blurred. This can involve simple actions like cleaning off your desk at the end of the workday, changing into workout clothes, or taking a short hot shower to reset your nervous system. Physical separation, such as going to a workout class or taking a walk, can help ease the brain into unwinding. Disconnecting from your phone by turning off notifications or placing it in another room during your evening routine can further reinforce this separation. While the effectiveness of routines may vary depending on life stages and mental states, consistent practice can strengthen the ability to disconnect from work and technology. Ultimately, finding a routine that works for you, whether it’s as simple as turning off your computer or as involved as attending a fitness class, can significantly improve your work-life balance and overall well-being.

Show Notes:

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