Talking in front of a camera can be tough, but don’t worry – you can DO THIS! When I first started filming myself for my business, I felt self-conscious and I started to overthink every aspect of my videos. It’s been about a year since I first started filming myself for social media, and here’s a few helpful tips for getting past the awkward stage…
Film yourself talking 3-5 times per week on your story.
This is a great place to start if you want to begin filming yourself for social media! It’s as easy as talking on your story 3-5 times per week about literally ANYTHING. Treat the camera as a close friend, and act as if you’re FaceTiming someone & telling them a story. If you have hiccups along the way, THAT’S OKAY! Nobody’s perfect, and sometimes that’s what your audience likes to see. Mistakes and stumbling over your words will create a raw + real feel to your videos. Don’t rehearse it too much, and just post it no matter how you feel about it. You’ll always be your own worst critic.
Write out talking points before you film.
If you’re talking about something planned & specific, try writing out your talking points! Don’t write things out word for word, but if you have a hard time remembering what you need to cover, this will be super helpful.
Typically, I’ll brainstorm 3-4 points that I want to talk about and then naturally incorporate them into my videos as I talk.
Practice beforehand.
I find talking & practicing before filming to be SO helpful! It breaks the awkward silence between you and your camera, and you’re able to piece together wording for your talking points.
If you need to, go practice in the mirror or film multiple takes until you get it right!! There’s no pressure of an audience, so you have all the time in the world.
Leave your bloopers…nobody’s perfect.
I said it before and I’ll say it again, bloopers are OKAY! If you’re talking and you mess up some words, be real & just move past it. I love watching & listening to people who do this, because it shows that they’re real people too.
Stop overthinking & just do it!
At the end of the day, filming yourself for social media is ONLY going to benefit your engagement, your reach, and your follower retention. So have fun with it, don’t take yourself too seriously, and just so it! You got this, I believe in you
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